
PDFBox.NET 1.7.0
.NET version of PDFBox library version 1.7.0. The download includes a compiled pdfbox.dll and all IKVM.NET dependencies.
PDFBox.NET 1.8.4
.NET version of PDFBox library version 1.8.4. The download includes a compiled pdfbox.dll and all IKVM.NET dependencies.
PDFBox.NET 1.8.7
.NET version of PDFBox library version 1.8.7. The download includes a compiled pdfbox.dll and all IKVM.NET dependencies.
PDFBox in .NET Performance
Calling the PDFBox through IKVM.NET brings a performance penalty. While the Java version of PDFBox parses a sample PDF file in 3 seconds it takes 10 seconds with PDFBox.NET.
Filename: PDFBox.NET-1.8.7.zip
Size: 23251 kB
Date: Nov 27, 2014
This file is a part of the following article: PDFBox in .NET

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  • PDFBox in .NET Performance
    Calling the PDFBox through IKVM.NET brings a performance penalty. While the Java version of PDFBox parses a sample PDF file in 3 seconds it takes 10 seconds with PDFBox.NET.